A bus ride to get warm?
As if the state of retirement planning wasn’t depressing enough, the NY Times piece from the front page of Sunday’s paper is pretty darn disturbing! I know that this area is pretty intimidating for a lot of folks, but please people, become more informed about your finances, because stories like these are going to become more prevalent in the near future. If you don’t have the knowledge to dig a bit into your planning, find someone who does. It’s imperative that you have whatever funds are earmarked for your future working as hard as they possibly can for you. Don’t ignore this please, it’s your future standard of living that’s at stake here!
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This one speaks for itself!
One can dream…
Still working on how to react to this story…
Read this and then pass it along to everyone you know!
If there was ever one article that tells it like it is in this industry, this has to be it. It is so critically important that I really hope it gets picked up and passed around by everyone who’s looking to build something for their future!
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